Massacre in Khazir

Fire lit up the night sky as flames raged through the village of Khazir. After taking a bribe from Lamork, head of the Helmsmere Abbey, the citizens of Golgonath, including Lucia, Ashrabia, Dimetrius, Pyrok and Viridiana, set to planning the decimation of the targeted town. Positioned around the village, citizens of the demon city blocked off all exits that villagers could escape with.

After flame-covered logs had been tossed through windows and bonfires were built around the village, the area was all but burned down by the hand of Golgonath. Unfortunately for them, Ysallyra saw the glow of the fire from the sanctity of their homes. They quickly rushed off to find the source of the commotion, ending up at the heart of Khazir, where the Golgonians were delighting in the torture and slaughter of innocent civilians.

Spurred by the fire spreading into the forest of Ysallyra, the guardians of the trees decided it best for them to stop the fires and, in effect, Golgonath. After a day of fighting and frantic extinguishing of fires, Malic, David, Kenan and Dran from Ysallyra, accompanied by the rogue Derris, were victorious in pushing the Golgonians out of Khazir. Unfortunately, it was too late for most, as the village had already been mostly destroyed both physically and emotionally.

The citizens of Golgonath followed Lamork’s beckons to the magical tower near the eastern highway, where they had previously left a wine-filled goblet to mark their deal. After receiving the pay from Lamork, Golgonath quickly took to arms, murdering the greedy oppressor where he stood, but not after he cursed them with his last breath.

On the other end of the continent, Arkad stumbled into Ysallyra, paying them handsomely with the last of his coins, only to have them turn the funds down and donate them towards the reconstruction of the village.

Emotions flared after the massacre, leading Golgonians and allies of Khazir to butt heads. While it may not be known what exactly the future will carry, it is certain that Khazir will not soon forget the event that took place on these bloody days.

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